Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Have been tormenting my poor little 2 year old daughter to the past 3 days... Interrupting sleep, keeping her from eating, running fevers and just making her plain unhappy. :( I wish it was me and not her. The Dr. said it would last a few more days and then be better, if you read this, please say a prayer for her. They're all in her mouth and throat and a couple on her nose!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Montessori Training Course Giveaway @Living Montessori Now!

Wow! I am SO excited about this giveaway on Living Montessori Now! I don't think I've ever wanted to win one more! This would be life changing for my family I'm sure. It's Karen Tyler’s Montessori Training Course
for people like me who intend to stay home with their kiddos and teach with Montessori methods (I believe it's also great for any other teacher as well). Considering I am just now finding out about Montessori principles and I am mid getting Ella Kate's room ready, I think this would be a gift straight from God! I would be able to use the wisdom learned from her course with Ella Kate and any other future children we may have. Go check it out and enter if you feel it would benefit your family, but know I'm praying REALLY hard to win it! ;)